Wednesday 19 February 2014

45 adorable pictures of animals acting human 【Photos】

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Have you ever stared longingly at your animal friends and thought, “Gee whiz. What an awesome life”? It must be nice to live in a world free from work and responsibilities, where licking your butt is a perfectly acceptable way to spend an afternoon.
But you have to admit, there are some pretty awesome perks to being a person, like driving and wearing hats! In fact, I think it’s safe to say that there’s a little envy from the side of the animal kingdom as well. Just check out these 45 images of animals acting human.

▼ First off, hi there.
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▼ How about a kiss?
human animals27
▼ Got my b*tch in the back.
human animals26
▼ “Would you like to hold her?”
human animals24
▼ “Dude, get off me!”
human animals22
▼ It’s great riding piggyback.
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▼ A family gathering
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▼ Holding hands
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▼ “Let’s be friends!”
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▼ C’mere for a hug.
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▼ Time to change the bulb
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▼ Careful, soda makes you fat.
human animals18
▼ “Cannot…contain…laughter!”
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▼ Four-wheelin’ it!
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▼ Pervy old man alert!
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▼ Somebody needs a rest.
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▼ Though I’d honestly opt for the couch in that case.
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▼ Crowding around the heater to warm your paws.
human animals13
▼ That right there is a classic comb-over.
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▼ “I think you need a hug.”
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▼ “Just a little off the top, but watch the ears!”
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▼ Let me guess, she turned you down…
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▼ Paws on the wall and legs apart!
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▼ “I surrender!”
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▼ Looks like a slow day for business.
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▼ Always buckle up!
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▼ Shower time!
human animals46
▼ Surf’s up!
human animals45
▼ Let a bear do his business in private, won’t you?!
human animals44
▼ Nothing beats fresh towels.
human animals42
▼ Shall we dance?
human animals41
▼ “Dear God, please give me more bacon.”
human animals38
▼ Wild karaoke night
human animals37
▼ Say cheese.
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▼ Entranced by the television.
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▼ When pigs fly
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▼ Time to check your blood pressure.
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▼ I see who wears the pants in this relationship.
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▼ Pervert alert!
human animals29
▼ A gamer lifestyle
human animals47
▼ Even dogs need dental work.
human animals43
▼ Checkmate
human animals40
▼ French kissing

▼ And one final hi-five!
human animals08

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